
使用圖形界面在 Red Hat Enterprise Linux上安裝DB2 v8.1 - 藍色雨 - 博客大巴

使用圖形界面在 Red Hat Enterprise Linux上安裝DB2 v8.1




DB2 v8.1由於java虛擬機版本不被支持,所以安裝使用db2setup無法安裝。翻譯並記錄下來

Red Hat Enterprise Linux好像支持jvm 在1.4.1以上,因此需要替換v8.1安裝介質中的jvm.建議:IBM version of the Java SDK 1.4.1(我使用的是Sun SDK 1.4.2_04分為兩個步驟:1. java SDK 安裝。2. DB2安裝)

java SDK

  1. 下載SDK (sun,ibm都有,具體網址忘了,以後再補吧)
  2. 安裝SDK rpm -ivh j2sdk-1_4_2_04-linux-i586-rpm (我下的是:j2sdk-1_4_2_04-linux-i586-rpm.bin 在linux下拷貝到本機,運行:./j2sdk-1_4_2_04-linux-i586-rpm.bin。然後rpm安裝即可)
  3. 修改/etc/profile文件,配置java路徑(包括JAVA_HOME、CLASSPATH、path)注意大小寫。


  1. copy 介質到硬盤上,主要目的是可以修改自帶的jvm (如: cp -R /media/cdrom/* )
  2. 刪除 db2/linux/java 的目錄 (如: rm -Rf /db2/linux/java)
  3. 創建「java」link指到Java1.4.1的目錄 (如.: ln -s /opt/IBMJava2-141 //db2/linux/java)
  4. 安裝了... (e.g.: /db2setup)


Yes, there is a workaround. However it is not officially supported by IBM and is therefore provided for informational purposes only. You could use IBM's version of the Java 1.4.1 environment instead of 1.3.1 that is shipped with the DB2 install image. Note that IBM does not support either 1.3.1 or 1.4.1 (SR1) on RHEL 3 yet. To use this unsupported workaround, you first need to install the IBM version of the Java SDK 1.4.1. Depending on which version of the DB2 install image/CD you have, perform the following steps.

If you have a DB2 UDB V8.1 GA (or level prior to 8.1.4) install image/CD:

  1. Copy its contents to the hard disk (e.g.: cp -R /media/cdrom/* ) where the is large enough to hold the install image.
  2. Delete the db2/linux/java sub-directory.
    (e.g.: rm -Rf /db2/linux/java)
  3. Create a symbolic link called java to point to the Java 1.4.1 directory.
    (e.g.: ln -s /opt/IBMJava2-141 //db2/linux/java)
  4. Ensure the DISPLAY is exported properly and launch the installer.
    (e.g.: /db2setup)

If you have DB2 install image / CD refreshed at Version 8.1.4 or later:

  1. Set the following environment variables: export DB2USELOCALJRE=TRUE
    export JAVA_HOME=
    (e.g.: export JAVA_HOME=/opt/IBMJava2-141)
  2. Launch db2setup from the same shell
